The Story of Sales Force Europe

Why start a business based on taking tech companies to Europe? Why is it better than just flying your team over there? Since 2003, Sales Force Europe has focused just on international sales strategy, sales outsourcing and lead generation for enterprise-grade technology looking to expand to new European markets.

Meet Rick Pizzoli our founder explaining his impetus for founding this unique company that's successfully expanded more than 300 tech products and services into Europe.

Sales Force Europe is the simplest way to scale your tech business in Europe
More speed. More expertise. Less risk.

Download our free ebook: How to get your tech company ready for global expansion

Full Video Transcript:

February 18, 2021

Uh, yeah. My name is Rick Pizzoli. I'm calling in from Madrid, Spain. You won't hear a Spanish accent. I'm American from San Francisco. I moved to Europe over 20 years ago and first to London and now to Madrid and Spain is my home.

So you've been for 20 years from San Francisco to then London to Madrid, that's a huge cultural difference.